Unexpected Life Lessons shared by a 91-year-old patient
2 am neurosurgery consult for 91 yr old who fell and broke a few bones in her back. She is petite, bright blue-eyed and still sharp!
"Are you the one that can tell if I can go home?" she asks.
"Well, let me start by asking you a few questions about what happened before we make a final decision, " I answer.
She gives me the details of her fall, and then somewhere in the middle, she takes a deep breath and pauses.
" I know this happened to me," she says, but I am grateful to be alive."
" You know, I am grateful for everything. I want to enjoy my family and be around for them. I appreciate life. If I had to do my life over again, I would do the very same thing.
And I know there is a lot with the young generation, but not all is bad. Maybe sometimes parents need a spanking. Teenagers are great too!
I guess we could all appreciate each other more."
I look at her with the most profound appreciation for her genuine reflection. She has no idea of my passion for gratitude and being a parent to teens. She spoke to my ♥️.
Photo Credit Paolo Bandandi Unsplash