Our brain loves gratitude. In the last few blogs we covered the impact dopamine and serotonin have on our overall well-being, happiness and motivation. And that is not all... we are adding oxytocin to the powerful concoction of neurotransmitters and hormones stimulated by gratitude.
Oxytocin is a hormone, acting as a neuortransmitter known for regulating social interaction. Oxytocin has profound effect on pro-social behaviors like trust, love, generosity, connection.
A few curious researchers have taken a look into neuroscience and biology behind "thank you". In the
study conducted by Sara B. Algoe and Baldwin Way on oxytocin release (as measured by gene CD38) in the social bonding effects of expressed gratitude findings suggest that the oxytocin system (when triggered by gratitude)
"is associated with solidifying the glue that binds adults into meaningful and important relationships."
Now, not only does gratitude have the omnipotent effects on boosting your well-being, it also helps reduce the levels of cortisol or stress hormone in your blood.
Let's reflect on what that looks like for our personal and professional life. Feeling better and less stressed? Motivated? Closer and meaningful connections? More Love?
When working with disengaged and highly stressed employees, you can only imagine the value of the appreciative methodology in transformation of the current work culture to healthier work environment. And it takes only one to see the process put in place.
To learn more about our appreciative methodology, email us directly at connect@letsoul.com.
To You,