Mindset Monday - Why LetSoul?

Mindset Monday - Why LetSoul?

Mindset Monday - Why LetSoul?

I hear people say "time flies"... and recently more than ever, I am deeply aware how valuable time is. " I am busy" or "I do not have time" were the phrases I often said to myself and now recognize WE all have the same 24 hours in a day ... Tony Robbins, Oprah, you and I ... have the same 24 hours, so if there is something you want, you get to create time.

In 2013 I had deep feeling I was to create and do "something" ~ certainly I was not sure what that was. The feeling followed me at all times ~ upon awakening, in conversations ~ simply "always" there. Upon deeper soul searching I became aware, I actually had it way before 2013 even as a child. However as the life unfolded it got hushed by the expectation of what I was to do.

This week we are celebrating 2 years of "LetSoul". With each new encounter I am asked what does "LetSoul" really mean? In May this year, my 9-year old niece was visiting me and asked the same question.. from the curious mind of 9 year old. My niece Mila and her sister Mia were excited to even make a small video ~ 3 minutes...

LetSoul came about realization many times we live in a story that does not serve us, we feel disconnected and isolated. LetSoul invites deeper, meaningful connection in alignment with our vision "Life is A Gift and Gifting is an ART".

Our gifts are quintessential and unique ~ we inspire people to deeper awareness of moments experienced (alone or with one another) in this life journey.

Writing the moment, lesson learned or experience on a gratitude card creates ONE unforgettable gift. Whether you want to acknowledge that ONE A-HA moment in your life or someone else's ~ written note is an INVESTMENT for filing your life with gratitude and abundance (others as well), and for sure an INVITATION to create one way better serving story.


Connect ~ with one self or others

Share ~ moments/lessons experienced

Gift ~ a note with the powerful message

And truly it is that simple.



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