Mindset Monday - Staircase and Stars...

There are many leaders in our lives.. as little we are led by our parents and family members, later by teachers, and then our lives are shaped by leaders in our line of work and of course world leaders
Great leader inspires and provides path for individual and business growth, and the ones who only seek to get the "job" done may impact our lives in many negative ways...
Today as we honor Dr. Martin Luther King for his courage, vision and dedication to be a world leader... I reflect on these two quotes that resonate as have high impact on individual as well as business growth and ultimately our world.
One - in midst of the challenges it is the most difficult to see "stars" or possibilities that can come up.. we feel blinded by the pain, negativity, uncertainty, fear, scarcity... and if we succumb to it and do not take a a step forward on the staircase ... we lost the precious opportunity to grow. Opportunity is your key to success...
It takes visionary leader to see pass the obstacles, challenges and be brave to walk the staircase.... and see the stars... No one ever said the journey would be easy one... but if not taken, you will never know of who you truly are.
Thank you Dr. King
Great leader inspires and provides path for individual and business growth, and the ones who only seek to get the "job" done may impact our lives in many negative ways...
Today as we honor Dr. Martin Luther King for his courage, vision and dedication to be a world leader... I reflect on these two quotes that resonate as have high impact on individual as well as business growth and ultimately our world.
One - in midst of the challenges it is the most difficult to see "stars" or possibilities that can come up.. we feel blinded by the pain, negativity, uncertainty, fear, scarcity... and if we succumb to it and do not take a a step forward on the staircase ... we lost the precious opportunity to grow. Opportunity is your key to success...
It takes visionary leader to see pass the obstacles, challenges and be brave to walk the staircase.... and see the stars... No one ever said the journey would be easy one... but if not taken, you will never know of who you truly are.
Thank you Dr. King