After years of slaving away at my job doing work that I didn’t love, I had finally had enough. The 70-80 hour work weeks had taken their toll on me at just the young age of 32, and I felt like a square peg trying to shove myself into a round hole and like a part of my soul was dying. There had to be more to life than this misery. I was capable of so much more than spending my days reading technical accounting regulations and crunching numbers as an auditor. (Just the thought of it now makes me shudder!)
I knew deep down that it was time to move on, but how could I let go of the career and life that I’d spent almost 11 years building? As scared as I was at the thought of recreating my career (and my life), I knew it was time to answer the call of my soul that had been loudly whispering in my ear for years. I was meant to do something else, and it was time to find out more about what that was.
As I look back over my life, and in particular the last 8 years, I realize that surrendering and letting go has been a recurring theme. That in order to grow and break through to the next level, I am continually letting go of who I’ve become to move toward the person that I’m truly meant to be. And while not all of my days are full of joy and fulfillment (everyone has the hard days), more often than not I’m happy and I know I’m on the right path as I embrace the mysteries of life. This is infinitely better than feeling numb and checked out while being shackled to my desk. Every day I know I am alive, and I am grateful.
People often ask me what caused me to take the brave step to leave my career behind, and my usual response is “I had no choice, it was leave or continue to wither away.” When, in reality, I did have a choice and so does everyone else. I’ve learned through my own experiences that life is short and time waits for no one. Today I work as a wealth consciousness and creation coach, guiding others to transform and heal their relationships with money and step into creating fulfilling and abundant lives. I also enjoy my freedom and the choice to spend quality time with family and friends, in particular my two amazing young nephews, Jack and Ryan.
So while I choose to live my life without regrets and with the understanding that all my experiences to date are perfectly designed for me, if I were to offer any advice based on what I’ve learned thus far it would be this – don’t wait, be present to your life, connect to your soul and listen to the whispers, and take one step at a time toward creating the life of your dreams. You never know where you’ll end up!
As a CPA, an MBA, an entrepreneur, and a Certified Money Breakthrough Method Coach, Beth offers a uniquely-blended practical and spiritual approach to finances that is action-oriented, non-judgmental, and compassionate. As a Spiritual Financial Mentor, her overall mission is to support people in shifting their financial mindset so that they can then unlock and unleash their power and create a fully self-expressed and abundant life.
Beth began her own transformational journey in 2008 when she left her 11-year executive career behind and through her spiritual awakening began reclaiming her life and her purpose as a powerful, spiritual, and intuitive leader. Beth has learned to choose faith over fear while cultivating a life filled with joy, gratitude, and grace and she creates a safe environment for others to do the same.
In Beth’s 18 years of professional experience, she has served as an auditor, an executive business advisor and consultant, an organizational change agent, and a financial independence advocate which all blends together to offer a unique and diverse perspective and approach to her work in the financial literacy arena. She is an alumnus of both Boston College and Bentley University, is a personal development enthusiast, and enjoys Pilates and spending time with her two amazing nephews.
I met Beth a year ago and knew she would have profound impact on my life.. Beth is a friend and a coach, developer and creator of Financially Authentic Program that facilitates transformation of one’s life to abundance by evoking financial consciousness. You can connect with Beth and her work at