Gratidue - How To?

To bring gratitude practice to your life... It all starts with
The very first step is to carve out time and at least 5 minutes a day to begin with
...TURN OFF all technology and allow NO distractions. Your mind "craves" quite time.. as only during quiet you are able to bring some things clearly in focus.
Gratitude practice requires focus.
(once you are in 5 minute space, you may naturally want stay in this space of quite focus longer than 5 minutes...)
The first time you start you may not feel like this is of any value and you will be uncertain of the benefits... First it looks so simple how could it possibly work? Right
Only because our brain is so accustomed to complicate things...
Sitting in quiet does not feel productive or beneficial... but it is
Next step:
While it is beneficial to think of the things we are grateful for, it is the writing which makes it impactful and leads to forming "gratitude circuit."
Continued practice leads to strengthening the circuit.

Let this week be the "practice" week to write 3 things your are grateful for at least 3 times this week.
Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on specific questions to consider during gratitude practice and how to write it out.
Stay tuned.
To you and the alchemy of gratitude,