Same Goals ~ Different Results?

It's the 3rd week into new year and I'm sure you've been thinking a lot about what you want to change this year. In fact, if you are anything like me, you've got the same items on your list every year.
I love this quote from Lulu Lemon bag...Do It Now! Do It Now! Do It Now!
Yes, I want to do it now - but feel stuck as know I can't do the same things over and over and expect different results. What can I do different this time instead?
Or what can make THIS year the one I look back as entering 2020 "with clink clink" of champaign glasses and say "I did IT!!!!"

I'm making big goals for this year but instead of just writing them on a piece of paper and never looking at them again, I'm taking the steps to figure out how I'm going to actually accomplish them. What I am doing different this year is ...
I REVERSE ENGINEER......I set my big goal - attach REALISTIC time frame to accomplish it - and then move backwards - break it down into monthly goals - weekly goals - smaller daily goals and certain ones to even twice a day goal (or more).
EVERY DAY I commit to accomplishing the small goals and while it seems small I know it will snowball into the big result....
I am in LOVE with this process Why? This process brings my someday goal to the NOW so every day I feel I am brining that BIG goal into reality...IT WORKS.
How Do I reverse engineer my gratitude practice? I simply carve out time (on my calendar + reminder) in the morning (upon awakening) to reflect and write down things I am grateful for... that way I stage my day with abundant mindset.... In the evening... I carve out time to reflect on all the events of the day and simply view my life through the grateful lens...

WHY? Once living with gratitude becomes habit - you simply enhance your living experience, you feel empowered and have more energy, you are creating results and are in love with your life. IT WORKS.
My wish for all of you is to make gratitude practice one of your goals!!! And to make it easier here is our FREE PDF 5 Key to Beginner Gratitude Practice
To YOU and successful 2019